A Quest Fuelled by Science and Ancient Wisdom
Our research led us to dive deep into peer-reviewed studies and academic research findings on the unique mineral compositions which are also found in these Blue Zones. We discovered that minerals and micronutrients, once abundant in natural water sources, have become scarce in today’s world due to modern agricultural practices and depleted resources. These minerals play a critical role in enabling the body’s innate healing and repair mechanisms, sustaining health from the inside out.
It’s here, in this fusion of ancient nature’s wisdom and cutting-edge science, that ANKH was born. Our mission became clear: we would recreate the mineral-rich waters that sustain longevity in these blue zones, engineering a beverage that brings these age-old benefits into the modern home.
Innovation in Every Drop: Engineering the Essence of Blue Zones
We did set out alone but the product costed prohibitively expensive, which made us collaborate with some exceptional minds to engineer a cost effective manufacturing solution to our initial development !!
Our journey wasn’t easy!
While we achieved a breakthrough several years ago, the initial product costed over Rs. 700 per litre of ANKH, making it inaccessible to many. Over the past Eight years, we’ve worked tirelessly to develop this innovation into something affordable and attainable.
We believe health should be accessible to everyone, hence collaborated with renowned fluid mechanics experts from India’s prestigious IIT’s and senior scientists from the DRDO, we tapped into replicating advanced scientific engineering-technological know-how. We looked back to NASA’s original “Multi-Axis Spin-Test Inertia Facility (MASTIF) trainer of the NASA Lewis Research Center” — an ingenious device developed in the 1960s for the Mercury Spacecraft to simulate intense, multidimensional movement for astronauts. This innovation, originally created to train Astronauts for the Mercury Space missions, was capable of spinning about all three spacecraft axes simultaneously not repeating the same 3-axis motion location for a long periods of time.
Inspired by this, we engineered an ultra unique Patent Pending engineering process to simulate the natural water movements found in waterfalls, rapids impacting the rocks in all possible directions and seeping through porous rock springs. This dynamic, non-repetitive movement (similar water flows in Nature) under high impact pressures at close to freezing temperatures, allows us to create the unique mineral amalgamations that are highly absorbable / bioavailable, that are so rare in today’s world, yet vital for optimal health.

Bringing the blue zones to Your Home
Every sip of ANKH is a testament to our journey — a fusion of rare minerals amalgamations and nutrients formed through Nature replication process to support the body’s self-repair. Know that nature has designed and evolved your body with the ability to repair itself naturally. When you nourish your body with what it truly needs, healing becomes a constant state, and vitality becomes a way of life.
With ANKH, we’ve turned the wisdom of the blue zones into a drink that brings nature’s life-giving energy straight to your glass. So here’s to living well, living fully, and perhaps, like the people of the blue zones, living to 100 and beyond.